Palladian Career Resources

How to Start Building an Industry Presence

How to Start Building an Industry Presence

Yesterday, I wrote 10 Ways to Get Employers to Find You.  Today, I want to give you a simple, easy to follow plan to get started utilizing a few of these techniques.

You’re probably thinking that this isn’t going to be easy, no matter what I say.  The truth is, it can be easy if you make it easy.  Despite this, very few people will do what is necessary.  This isn’t because the techniques are difficult to implement.  The reason that few people will do these things is that they are slow to work.

Most people want a quick solution.  A slow, methodical plan, no matter how effective, just isn’t appealing.  If you want employers to seek you out, you need to do two things, and neither can be achieved overnight.  You need to become a recognized expert in your field and you need to build a huge network of professionals that know and respect you.

The Step-by-Step Plan

Time Commitment

Building a network is not something that will happen over night.  It will take work and time.  Fortunately, the time commitment isn’t huge.

If you follow these steps, you will build relationships and propel your career forward.  Because this is a slow process, few people will take the time to do this.  If you do this, you will differentiate yourself from your competition.  Don’t give up if you can’t devote this much time – just scale back to what you can do.

The Results

Now, fast forward a couple years.  You decide you want to make a career change, and start the process by contacting people in your network and ask them for help.  Some of the individuals you have developed a relationship with will be happy to recommend you to their companies.  Their referral will be more than just passing your resume to HR.  They will be able (and probably very willing) to share with key managers that you are an expert in the field, have published a number of industry articles and are a resource others in the industry turn to with questions.  In most cases, you’re going to get a very close look and have a great chance of getting hired.

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