Palladian Career Resources

New Job Interview Prep Webinar

New Job Interview Prep Webinar

On Wednesday, I’m going to conduct a webinar teaching job interview techniques. The “Job Interview Basics” class will be held on Wednesday July 8th at 11AM EDT. The session is free and I invite any job seeker interested in improving their interview skills to attend.

On Wednesday, I’m going to conduct a webinar teaching job interview techniques.  The “Job Interview Basics” class will be held on Wednesday July 8th at 11AM EDT.  The session is free and I invite any job seeker interested in improving their interview skills to attend.

The “Job Interview Basics” webinar will teach job seekers the how to sell their experience, accomplishments and potential in a job interview.  This one-hour session will cover the following topics:

The webinar incorporates many of the techniques taught in my book, Power Up Your Job Search: A Modern Approach to Interview Preparation.


Update:  I now do webinars for APICS.  Check out the APICS career portal for more information.

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