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Employment and Unemployment Trends

There’s a lot of talk about the economy and unemployment levels. Depending on who you listen to, you will hear the economy has turned around and is starting to improve or the economy is in a downward spiral and getting much worse. The truth is

Historic Context of Our Current Recession

There is a fantastic article in the Wall Street Journal, Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe,' comparing our current economic situation to past downturns. The article details several major economic statistics for three time periods, the current situation, the recession of '81-'82 and the Great Depression.

Industries in Demand

National Unemployment and State Unemployment is only one facet of our employment picture.  Each industry faces a slightly different situation and the unemployment characteristics reflect this. Manufacturing:  5.3% unemployment.  Looking at the data a little closer, unemployment in Petroleum and Coal Products is 0.2%.  Given the price

Hardest Hit States

Although some parts of the country have low unemployment, some are finding less jobs and more job seekers. Four states and the District of Columbia are experiencing unemployment over 6%. State Unemployment Rate District of Columbia 6 Rhode Island 6.1 California 6.2 Alaska 6.7 Michigan 6.9

Where Are The Jobs

The national unemployment rate has been climbing.  Despite this, some parts of the country have very low unemployment. In April 2008, there were 16 states with unemployment under 4%: State Unemployment Rate South Dakota 2.6 Wyoming 2.6 Idaho 3.1 Nebraska 3.1 North Dakota 3.1 Utah 3.1 Oklahoma