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Prioritizing Information on Your Resume

I reviewed a resume today that made a common mistake.  The resume listed unimportant information first, and the important stuff last.  When a hiring manager reviews your resume, they will scan quickly to see if you are in the ballpark of what they want.  If you are, they

Volunteering to Gain Experience

It’s a challenge to break into a new a career.  Companies want experience when hiring, but you can’t get the experience they want without getting hired first.  This catch-22 is frustrating and difficult to overcome.  For college students, gaining experience is also important.  The job market for college

Happy Thanksgiving

This week, we take time to appreciate what we have. In the United States, with all the turmoil, economic difficulties and other issues facing us, we still live in the greatest nation in history. We have more opportunity and freedom than anywhere else. Countless

Trends in the Job Market

We’ve all heard the unemployment rate, and that it will get worse before we start to see some improvement. On a national basis, this is a serious problem. For an individual job seeker, the concern is more personal – landing a single job. No