job interview Archive

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Ordinary vs Exceptional

For almost every career, there are numerous candidates available for each position. Only one will get hired for each job, though. When five, ten or more people, with similar backgrounds apply for a job, there are a number of factors that affect who gets the offer. The

Interviewing for Sales Positions

A sales interview will typically focus on your sales experience and performance. Sales is a field where performance is measured closely at most companies. If you want to land the job, you will need to create a picture of how you will perform within the mind of

Interview Questions About Deadlines

One of the interview questions that is very common relates to working under tight deadlines. It is important to be able to meet deadlines in many careers. There are very few companies where the speed and urgency are not important. Over the years, I've asked about deadlines in

What Job Seekers Can Learn From Barack Obama

The election is over and Barack Obama will be our next President. His campaign demonstrated a few techniques that any job seeker can employ to improve their job search. Positioning Statement What was the cornerstone of the Obama campaign – the one word that summarizes the reason