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Inbound Marketing for a Job Search

I ran into a great article about Inbound Marketing for a job search. Inbound Marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on allowing customers to find you. Most marketing is outbound in nature. Post ads, cold call, send direct mail are all outbound

Job References For Your Search

Reference checks are an important step in the hiring process of many companies. They are extremely common, and it is likely you will be asked for the names of several references before you are made a job offer. There are a few mistakes job seekers make with

The Perfect Job

Finding the perfect job is a goal we all have. Many people find great jobs, that are rewarding and enjoyable, but perfection is elusive. There's a simple reason for this. For almost every job, there's a reason employers pay people to do the work. If an employer

JibberJobber Review

JibberJobber effectively organizes a job search. If you commit to using it, it will help you. The free version is great and provides significant value. The premium version is even better, adding a number of useful features.

Organizing Your Job Search: HappyJob Search

I ran into a tool today that could be helpful in a job search. The tool, HappyJobSearch, allows a job seeker to create an online account to track their job search activity. What I like about this tool is how it organizes your job search.

What Have You Created?

For many job seekers encounter, developing a good list of accomplishments to include on their resume and to discuss in an interview is a challenge. Listing accomplishments sounds like an easy task – just write about your successes. Despite this, it often proves to be very difficult.