Interviewing Archive

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The Importance of Interview Practice

Interviewing may be the most important skill in your job search.  Hiring managers decide who to hire based on the interviews.  Your resume helps you get an interview, and references checks and assessment tests are used to validate the conclusions of the interviews.  None of these will get you

Neurolinguistic Programming

There are some interesting articles about how Barack Obama is using Neurolinguistic Programming in his speeches to "hypnotize" the audience.  This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the techniques he employs are very persuasive. NLP has been discussed as a technique to help people interview

Your Competition: The Perfect Job Seeker

When you interview, you may be competing against the perfect person.  In fact, your competition may be the absolute ideal candidate that the hiring manager can imagine. We all know that there isn’t a perfect candidate.  Despite this, you may be competing against perfection. How is this

Talking About Failure in an Interview

One of the interview topics that many job seekers struggle with is discussing failure. We want to focus on success in an interview and shifting gears to admit a failure can be difficult. The questions that you can expect in some interviews include: Tell me about a

Assessing John McCain’s Job Interview

John McCain's performance in the first Presidential debate demonstrates several important lessons to remember in a job interview. McCain's answer is assessed based on six criteria used to prepare and assess the interview skills of job seekers.

Assessing Barack Obama’s Job Interview

The Presidential and Vice Presidential debates are a form of job interview and demonstrate interview techniques that can help job seekers. I'm going to review the interview techniques of all four candidates starting with Barack Obama.

Where is the Job Market Going?

With the current financial crisis, there is tremendous uncertainty in our economy. This is most obvious in the financial markets after Monday’s decline.  The markets are worried and investors react to increasing risk by selling. Now the decline in stocks doesn’t directly affect the job market. In