Interviewing Archive

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Should You Script Your Answers to Interview Questions?

The simple answer is yes.  Scripting the answers to questions ahead of time gives you the opportunity to think through the answers more thoroughly.  You can work on your answers and try different things. What Questions Should I Prepare For? When I work with someone to improve

7 Things You Need To Do Before Your Next Interview

When you go to an interview, good preparation is essential.  It will help your confidence level, avoid getting surprised by unexpected questions and allow you to provide the best presentation of your skills, abilities and potential.  There are a ton of things you should do to get

Recorded Job Interview

For the last month, I’ve been posting recordings from an interview with a transitioning military officer.  This week, I’m making a shift to another job seeker – a professional administrative assistant.  Top-notch admin assistants are unbelievably valuable to the companies and executives they work for.  This individual

Unusual Interview Settings

The vast majority of interviews will be in a similar setting.  An individual’s office or a conference room with one or two interviewers and the job seeker.  This is typical and what most job seekers expect when the go for an interview.  It’s not the only format

Assessment of the Recorded Interview

Yesterday’s post contained a recording an interview question and answer.  The interview was with a transitioning military officer and the question asked was “Tell me about a time when you helped someone improve their performance.” Below is my assessment of the answer. The interview answer was a

Interview Recording: Developing a Team Member

Below is a recording of an interview answer given by a transitioning military officer.  The question I asked is a typical behavioral based interview question: “Tell me about a time when you helped someone improve their performance.” Listen to the Answer (Time:  3:25) Please post your comments

Interview Assessment

In the recording I posted yesterday, you heard me ask a transitioning military office the ice breaker question that kicks off most interviews – "Tell me about yourself."  The answer included the officer’s military career in chronological order and concluded with some information about hobbies. Overall, this

Transitioning Military Officers: Interview Example

Recently, I conducted a practice interview a military officer preparing to transition into the civilian workforce. As with most interviews, the first question I asked was “Tell Me About Yourself.”  Many interviews start with this and it’s a question many job seekers find challenging.  Listen to this

Behavior Based Interviews

An increasingly common interview style is the behavioral interview.  With this interview, hiring managers attempt to assess candidates based on how they behaved in a variety of circumstances. The rationale is to determine how an individual would perform by assessing how they have performed in similar situations

Your Questions

Every interview will conclude with the interviewer asking you if you have any questions. It’s expected that you will have a couple. Remember that you’re still being interviewed at this point, even though you’re asking the questions. Five things you want to accomplish with the questions you